Now days in the large scale and complex construction projects field, even the most carefully planned project can encounter claims. How those claims are handled or resolved makes the difference in the success of the project.
PM-Partners’ professionals have experience in identifying, analyzing, preparing and presenting construction claims and disputes that may arise during the entire lifecycle of the project.
In the unfortunate event a construction claim does occur , whether it is a client’s claim against a third party or defense of the customer against third party claims, PM-Partners multi-discipline staff and consultants will be ready to provide support in analyzing the complex liability, causation and damage components of a claim. PM-Partners’ Claim Experts will conduct a detailed analysis of the claims, break them down event by event, analyze the contract, the relevant project documentation and the parties’ performance in order to identify liabilities, quantify damages, and assist in resolving the dispute in a timely and cost effective manner. Effective resolution of these disputes is very important and critical in terms of additional cost and time needed for the project delivery.
Construction Claims Services:
- Claims Identification
- Claims Mitigation & Avoidance
- Construction Means and Methods
- Risk Evaluation and Quantification
- Unforeseen and Differing Site Conditions
- Damage Assessments
- Change Order Impacts
- Schedule Delay Analysis
- Time Impact Analysis
- Construction Defect Evaluation
- Disruption Assessments
- Productivity Impact Evaluations
- Acceleration Claims
- Wrongful Contract Termination or Suspension
- Assessment of Force Majeure Events
- Architect & Engineer Standards of Care
- Evaluation of Design Professionals – Certificate of Merit
- Claim Preparation & Presentation
- Construction Mediation, Litigation & Arbitration Support